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The Flinch
What's a... - Four-letter word - You use every day - With no vowels - Not found in the dictionary - And when used correctly in negotiations will put dollars in your pocket every time?

Avoid a 3-Ring Circus with these New Interviewing Strategies
I referenced the circus because I just finished another interviewing book that recommends asking for the job before leaving the interview. I can envision up to 15 qualified professionals each asking the interviewer for the job. If each asks for the... (More)

From 'Just A Job' To Your Dream Career
Are you in a career you love, or in a job you are tolerating? What's the difference? If you're working strictly to earn a paycheck to pay the bills, you have a job. If your days are filled with passion and delight for the work you do, you have a... (More)

What's Your Game Plan
It's hard to get excited about our careers sometimes. Especially when bad news surrounds us. Between high unemployment, low morale, and reduced compensation, who can blame us for not wanting to jump out of bed energized and ready to start each day?

Your Interview Environment
Most job seekers think the interview begins the moment they stand up to greet the person interviewing them. This is false. An interview is a two-way street, so your interview should begin the moment you walk through the company's door. In your haste... (More)

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